Title: Lil Baby Chain
Medium: Digital Art with AI and Photoshop
Check Out Prints
Title: Lil Dumpy
Medium: Digital Art with AI and Photoshop
Check Out Prints
This was another project undertaken to build on my current AI and digital art skill sets while adding something new and interesting to my current art portfolio. This series is called “A Place Far Away” because it happens on a fictional planet somewhere in a place far away in the far-off future. It focuses on the theme of afrofuturism and the various inhabitants of a distressed planet where a series of events has torn the small planet apart and has made everyone question their humanity and alliances. All these people are players in the main saga and most do not have names but are just labeled by how I viewed their roles through their appearance. I plan on using these characters to create a book and hopefully developing some type of script at some point in the future.
These characters were created by using a combination of AI and photoshop editing to give them a unique and interesting look specifically tailored for the project. I just didn’t put in some words and go with that the AI spit out like some would assume. The work is more complex and involved than that and hopefully people appreciate it.